Practical Applications of Backend as a Service (BaaS)

Levisoft Insights

Aug 19, 2024

For over a decade, Backend as a Service (BaaS) has steadily gained popularity among developers and clients alike, thanks to the significant speed boost it provides to the development process. But is BaaS a one-size-fits-all solution, or are there specific use cases where it truly excels?
At Levisoft, we have a long history of leveraging serverless technologies, with BaaS being our top choice. We've developed various applications, from social media apps to chatbots, using this low-code approach. While we firmly believe that many applications don’t require more than what BaaS offers, it particularly shines in certain scenarios.If you’re considering BaaS for your next project, this article will help you make an informed decision by outlining the reasons to choose this serverless option and providing illustrative case studies.

  • Why Businesses Will Continue to Invest in BaaS

Backend as a Service has come a long way since its inception around 2011. Today, it's a mature technology offering robust backend services. By 2023, it is expected that about 50% of all mobile apps will rely on BaaS. Here’s why BaaS has gained such widespread adoption:

  • What BaaS Offers

BaaS fills a market gap by outsourcing the repetitive and time-consuming aspects of backend development. Providers like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, and Oracle offer comprehensive packages that include SDKs (Software Development Kits) and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to facilitate both development and service integration. With minimal setup, developers can immediately start focusing on the frontend.Here's a quick summary of what BaaS provides:

  • Real-time database management
  • Cloud backup
  • File storage
  • Hosting
  • Tools for social media integration
  • Built-in security features like authentication
  • Machine Learning (ML) capabilities
  • Analytics and testing tools
  • Compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA
  • SDKs for faster development
  • APIs for seamless service integration

These features have led to rapid BaaS adoption across various industries.

  • Who Uses BaaS and Why

Originally designed to simplify mobile and web app development, BaaS has become increasingly relevant in today’s smartphone-driven consumer economy. Sectors like healthcare, fintech, retail, HoReCa, automotive, construction, and gaming have embraced BaaS due to their need for swift data management integration and robust performance.

  • Benefits of BaaS

Integrating BaaS into your development pipeline offers several advantages:

  • Covers Typical Server-Side Needs: Provides a starting point with most backend elements pre-configured.
  • Increases Development Speed: Reduces the time and effort needed for backend development.
  • Focus on the Frontend: Allows developers to concentrate on business logic, design, and functionality.
  • Reduces Time to Market: Enables faster deployment, meeting tight deadlines.
  • Provides Testing and Analysis Tools: Offers built-in tools for performance monitoring.
  • Lowers Development and Infrastructure Costs: Eliminates the need for expensive servers and backend teams.

5 BaaS Use Cases to Learn From

Here are five examples demonstrating the impact of BaaS across various industries:

1. App for a Luxury Clothing Brand (Neiman Marcus)Neiman Marcus utilized AWS Amplify to develop their digital selling app, Connect, within a tight timeframe. Using Amazon's serverless architecture, the company achieved a 50% faster time-to-market and reduced development costs by 90%.

2. Scaling a Trivia Game (Fight List by Two4Tea)

To handle the growing popularity of Fight List, Two4Tea switched from Parse to Back4App’s customized BaaS platform. This transition enabled them to manage high traffic successfully, leading to over 55 million global players and top app store rankings.

3. Self-Care Habit Tracking App (Fabulous)

Using Google’s Firebase, Fabulous enhanced their user onboarding and personalized experiences. This resulted in a retention rate doubled and custom onboarding implementation reduced to just one day.

4. Restaurant Chatbot. Facing urgent needs due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our team created a cross-platform restaurant chatbot app using our internal BaaS system in just three weeks, involving only two engineers. This project achieved a 75% reduction in development costs and a 60% quicker time-to-market.

5. Re-Architecting the National Health Service (NHS)

The NHS, struggling with heavy website traffic during the COVID-19 pandemic, revamped their backend using Microsoft Azure. This move resulted in efficient resource distribution, improved access times, and better performance.

BaaS vs. Custom Backend

While BaaS has many advantages, custom backend development offers flexibility and scalability that some projects may require. Here are the pros of each approach:

Custom Backend Development Advantages:

  • Flexible and Highly Scalable: More efficient cost management and freedom from vendor lock-ins.
  • More Custom-Tailored Options: Detailed implementation of specific requirements.
  • You Own the Code: Full ownership and the ability to modify the codebase.

BaaS Advantages:

  • Quick Deployment of Features: Immediate access to built-in functionalities.
  • Less Time to Release: Avoid compatibility issues with pre-tested components.
  • Standardized Environment & Settings: Compliance with modern standards like GDPR and HIPAA.
  • Ready-Made Infrastructure: Cost savings and faster data access.

When to Use BaaS

Choose BaaS for scenarios like:

  • Developing an MVP or POC Quickly: Rapidly create Minimum Viable Products or Proof of Concepts.
  • Apps with Simple Functionality: Ideal for straightforward applications without complex features.
  • Saving on Testing and Monitoring: Utilize built-in testing and debugging tools.
  • Apps Operating in Multiple Locations: Benefit from global server clusters for optimal performance.

Final Thoughts: 

BaaS is Here to StayBackend as a Service has proven indispensable, especially in the post-pandemic economy. At Levisoft, we value the speed and efficiency BaaS brings to our development process. While we continue to deliver full-cycle development, BaaS allows us to focus on core functionalities and design, accelerating deployment.Interested in learning more about how BaaS can benefit your next project? Explore our portfolio and let’s discuss your needs.

Ready to Get Started? Contact us to boost your project with the power of BaaS today.

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