Are you stuck with obsolete technology or do you think that your software might be ruined from a domino effect where one problem can lead to another? Let us modernize your legacy software, boost business growth and help you to take advantage of scale!

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The world digitizes every single day, and what used to be modern yesterday old today. Legacy systems as well as people need check-ups from time to time. After all, do you want to keep up with user expectations and market requirements? If you think that your business has obsolete technology, incomplete documentation, or simply an older software system, you most definitely need a software modernisation.

Legacy technologies pose a notable barrier to a company’s digital transformation. Time and again, they require higher maintenance costs and lead to significant problems. Therefore, we suggest each business sooner or later opt for software modernization if it wants to stay on top of the market.


Software Modernizations


Years average project duration


Years of experience


Team Members


Enjoy the spectrum of our legacy software modernization services, from comprehensive technical software audit to system integration.

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Technical software audit (Architecture Audit)

Levisoft will help you to detect system bottlenecks, manage the risks, and suggest the most appropriate solution. Moreover, we will assist with architecture and code audit, helping your systems to forecast and prevent failures in the future.


If you are not sure whether you need a complete or partial modernization, we will assess your software and advise on the solution that will bring your business a guaranteed success.

Complete system modernization

We will build an entire solution from scratch, using modern technologies while keeping the original functions and needed results.

System integration

Want to integrate a third-party solution? We will ensure smooth connection of a legacy software to a third-party tool or service, while keeping your data safe.

Code refactoring

Levisoft knows how to structure and streamline your code, make it clearer, optimize the architecture, and get rid of bugs without influencing the result.

Platform migration

We can assist with transfer of obsolete software to new modern platforms while keeping the functionality and code structure.


Enjoy the significant benefits of legacy system modernization services

Cost reduction

We know everything about the superpowers of Big Data. Let us help you with our hands-on expertise and excessive knowledge gathered through years of experience.

Enhance agility

High-level security solutions that shield data across the whole company and big data environment.

Higher performance

Providing services on data mining, analysis to identify patterns, and ML, search of contentions via Machine Learning in the conducted analysis.

Smart contracts

Smart contracts execute a variety of commercial agreements such as financial contracts and purchase agreements. You can automatically generate them from a human-understandable contract document that is created using a document template and a controlled natural language.

Stronger security

Don’t rely on the systems that were secure five years ago. Obsolete software is highly vulnerable to all types of cyberattacks and data breaches. The absence of support makes it even easier for hackers to steal the data.


Automated document generation with the help of templates does not only meet the internal needs of your company, but also improves customer satisfaction and delivers a pleasant service at every customer stage.
A bunch of different types of electronic devices

Useful case studies

Developing a successful digital product is a complex process that requires choosing the right partner, applying innovative solutions, and following reliable processes.

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Frequently asked questions

What are the reasons behind legacy software modernization?

The main reasons behind legacy software modernization are obsolete or outdated technologies, outdated documentation, lack of skill sets of internal teams to run older systems, and lack of support for legacy software systems.

Do you provide simultaneous legacy software modernisation services and new function development?

Of course, Levisoft's legacy software modernization company can modernize your software while adding new functions at the same time on demand.

How to choose a reliable legacy software modernization company?

Evaluate legacy software modernization vendors based on their background and portfolio. Study their works, the starting points and the outcomes. Feel free to check out our cases to find the interesting ones for you.

How soon can you set up a dedicated legacy software modernization team for my project?

We start working immediately once we understand the request, your business needs, and agree on all the legal conditions. This usually lasts from two weeks to a month.

How fast can you scale a dedicated it team engaged in my project?

If we see a need of scaling our team inside your project, we will rapidly add new members depending on the needs and goals for your product and business.

Should I be familiar with the technical details to work with you?

You don't need to be tech-savvy to work with us. Little understanding of technologies would be a plus for our mutual work, but is not in any way obligatory.

What information do you need from me to start work?

The only thing that we need from your side is the wish to modernize your software. Product documentation and prototypes will also help us a lot, but their absence won’t be a problem.

Do you provide support and maintenance after you finish my software modernization?

Sure, if you want us to support and maintain your product after complete or partial modernization, we will be pleased to do that.