Crafting an MVP with Low-Code: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Step-by-Step Guide

Aug 19, 2024

You cannot know if your application will succeed until you actually launch it. Does that mean you should invest in full-scale development? Not exactly. No-code and low-code MVP (minimum viable product) development approaches let you validate concepts without the need for skilled (and expensive) development teams and an advanced technical stack.

With an MVP, you can test your product ideas more cost-effectively and faster than full-scale software products. Low-code and no-code tools facilitate the process with visual programming and reusable components. According to 2019 Forrester Consulting research, these technologies have become a practical alternative to custom coding for 31% of IT companies.

However, this approach requires thorough planning and an understanding of its limitations. That’s why we wrote this article. It will show you how to build your MVP with low-code as cost-effectively as possible and avoid the common mistakes companies make during development.

But first, let’s start with the perks of the low-code MVP approach.

Advantages of Low-Code MVP Development

What is an MVP?

An MVP is an initial version of your product with core functionalities, typically used to validate your hypothesis. It allows you to see if there’s a market for your product and identify improvements needed to attract more users.

What are No-Code and Low-Code Platforms?

No-code and low-code platforms are dedicated software development environments with graphical interfaces, pre-built templates, and ready-made code. They enable the creation of apps, automation of processes, content management, and feature integration with minimal custom coding. These terms are often used interchangeably as both rely on programming without extensive code.

Key Benefits:

No Need for Extensive Engineering Skills:

Gartner’s 2021 research indicates that over half of low-code users will be non-technical by 2025. Low-code tools use visual drag-and-drop features, allowing entrepreneurs and industry professionals to participate in development, integrating their domain expertise into the product.

Higher Efficiency:

No-code and low-code platforms provide ready-made tools, reusable code, pre-built connectors, and templates for various scenarios. Many platforms come with analytics, monitoring, and A/B testing features, and support third-party service integrations. Additionally, they comply with various industry standards off-the-shelf.

Reduced Costs:

Low-code helps 84% of enterprises reduce costs by minimizing the need for professional development teams, cloud specialists, and other technical roles. Companies also save on hardware infrastructure, development software, and licenses. Robotic process automation and other low-code technologies streamline operations, reducing costs further.

Improved Scalability:

Your MVP might attract more users than expected, requiring more resources. Most low-code tools are available on scalable cloud-based architectures, preferred by 65% of companies for handling larger user loads and data storage.

Reduced Technical Debt:

Low-code platforms optimize backend processes and outdated systems, incorporating clean code and the latest security standards automatically. This reduces the need for manual modifications and lowers technical debt.

Faster Deployment:

Low-code solutions enhance agility, improving speed-to-market. Reusable modules and templates accelerate MVP development, allowing faster user feedback and potential investor attraction.

Low-Code and No-Code MVP Approaches

Depending on the product’s scope, you can adopt one of the following approaches:

Multi-Capability MVP:

Create a product with core and secondary features, combining multiple low-code tools with manual programming. This approach requires more effort and resources.

Single-Feature MVP:

Focus on one key feature that addresses the primary problem of the audience. Some no-code and low-code platforms are sufficient for building single-feature MVPs without hand-coding.

Concierge MVP (Manual-First MVP):

Mimic backend processes manually for your MVP. For example, design an app using low-code software while employees handle recommendations manually. This approach allows customer feedback without investing heavily in sophisticated systems.

Product Demo:

Showcase your product without building any code using a no-code platform to create a landing page or video presentation.


Use low-code platforms to build simple MVPs and promotion materials for crowdfunding campaigns, validating your business idea and raising funds.

Low-Code Solutions for Frontend and Backend

Frontend Tasks:

- UI/UX Design: Use platforms like OutSystems and Appian for web and mobile app mockups.

- Website Builders: WordPress and Shopify for building websites, blogs, and eCommerce platforms.

- App Builders: Appy Pie and AppSheet for web and mobile app development.

Backend Tasks:

- Data Integration: Platforms like for data extraction, analysis, and visualization.

- API Generation: Linx for creating APIs to connect third-party services.

- Containerization: Systems like Choreo for packaging systems into portable executables.

- Business Logic Builder: BaaS solutions like Xano and Backendless for backend processes and complex workflows.

How to Create an MVP with Low-Code

1. Research the Market:

Gather information about your audience, trends, competitors, and regulations. Understand your customer persona, their pains and needs, limitations, and market fit.

2. Prioritize Critical Features

Focus on core functionalities that address the primary problem. Delay additional features for future versions.

3. Pick the Development Technique:

Select a low-code MVP development approach that aligns with your product vision, such as single-feature MVP or concierge MVP.

4. Create a Product Roadmap:

Document technical specifications, tools, APIs, architecture, design blueprint, and post-deployment instructions. Include short-term and long-term goals, milestones, and estimated expenses.

5. Identify Success Criteria:

Define measurable metrics (total users, active users, revenue per user) and feedback methods to evaluate the MVP's success.

6. Collect and Incorporate Feedback:

Maintain a feedback loop with your audience to understand their needs and refine your product. Use review platforms, in-app surveys, emails, or direct interviews.

Limitations of Low-Code and No-Code MVP Development

Technical Constraints:

Might lack support for certain features, requiring traditional programming tools.

Vendor Lock-In:

Apps can become locked into the vendor’s technology stack, making migration costly.

Skill Requirements:

Even no-code platforms require knowledge of features and basic design concepts.

Security Concerns:

Integrating third-party software and databases can introduce vulnerabilities.

What to Avoid When Building a Low-Code MVP

Lack of Research:

Ensure your app solves a real pain for the audience.

Money Constraints:

Develop a detailed product roadmap to manage expenses.

Broad Market:

Target a single subset of users initially and expand later.

Slow Development:

Choose tools and approaches that expedite development.

Poor Communication:

Engage with customers, influencers, and stakeholders early on.

Failure to Innovate:

Continuously listen to feedback and innovate to stay competitive.

Build Your Low-Code MVP with a Reliable Partner

Building an MVP with no-code and low-code platforms doesn’t guarantee affordable and timely delivery. You need technical skills, domain knowledge, and effective project management. That’s what Levisoft offers.

Our Experience:

- Runners and Fitness Club Social Media App: Optimized a wellness social network, reducing development costs by 50%.

- Real State Vendors Business App: Built a chatbot, reducing development time to three weeks and saving 80% on post-launch support.

Levisoft has delivered over 170 successful projects across various industries. Contact us to make your MVP development truly cost-effective.


Building no-code and low-code MVPs is an efficient way to test your business idea, save money, and involve non-technical experts in development. However, success relies on methodology, management practices, and the ability to implement user feedback effectively.

If you need assistance from an experienced software development company, contact us. We’ll make your MVP development cost-effective and successful.

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