Low-Code in Travel & Hospitality: Reasons to Adopt & Use Cases

Levisoft Insights

Aug 19, 2024

Adoption of low-code in travel & hospitality can help businesses gain agility and build resilience.

You might think that adopting low-code in the travel and hospitality sectors is a long shot. The approach may seem too simple and intuitive to yield high-quality software comparable to code built from scratch.

We understand your doubts, but based on our experience, we can confidently say that you might change your mind by the end of this article.

To recap, a low-code/no-code platform allows you to create applications in a visual environment using simple drag-and-drop tools. You can also use connectors to add additional functionality or even insert custom code when needed.

Levisoft has delivered numerous low-code projects, such as a restaurant chatbot and a wellness social app. Our clients have been delighted with the end products and the rapid time-to-market achievable with this technology.

This article will delve into the advantages and challenges of using low-code in the travel and hospitality industry, followed by several practical use cases. Let’s get started.

7 Ways to Win with Low-Code for Travel & Hospitality Businesses

Using low-code is not about cutting corners on quality but about enhancing productivity, agility, and efficiency. It’s an effective way to combat the COVID-19 recession with a workforce that can be trained and mobilized in days or even hours.

Here’s what you can achieve with the low-code development paradigm:

Reduce Time to Market

Low-code development reduces time to market.

- The travel and hospitality sectors must adapt quickly to changes. With low-code app development, businesses can create applications within tight deadlines. In a 2021 global Statista survey, 95% of respondents found low-code advantageous over traditional methods, and 56% reported significant speed gains of 21% to 60%.

Involve Non-Technical Experts

Bring your citizen developers into the process of development.

- Low-code/no-code platforms require little to no coding experience, allowing industry experts to participate directly in the development process. While complex projects like building a hotel app may require professional oversight, simpler functionalities can be created by citizen developers.

Prototype and Create MVPs Quickly

Quickly prototyp and build MVPs with the low-code/no-code approach.

- Low-code development enables rapid prototyping and the creation of Minimal Viable Products (MVPs). This is invaluable when pitching ideas to stakeholders or needing to make quick updates, such as adding new payment methods or redesigning a tour selection page.

Integrate with Legacy Software

Connect legacy software to your new low-code apps.

- Low-code allows you to add new tools without overhauling your core software. This is especially useful for hotel chains relying on monolithic ERP systems. The modular architecture of low-code platforms enables seamless integration with existing systems.

Automate Standard Processes

Low-code development practices can boost automating for the travel and hospitality business.

- With some training, your employees can build tools to automate tasks like document flow, client experience optimization, and vendor relationship management. This reduces manual work and boosts efficiency.

Accomplish More with Less

Employess can accomplish more thanks to the capabilities of low-code platforms.

- The post-pandemic world has forced many businesses to operate with reduced staff. Low-code platforms can help remaining employees expand their capacity through automation, reducing the strain on them.

Embrace New Trends

By using low-code in hospitality and travel, companies can move with the times and embrace current trends.

- Trends like short booking windows, flexible cancellation policies, and the rise of workcations demand an agile approach. Low-code enables quick adjustments to offers, rates, and services.

Challenges of Low-Code Development in Travel & Hospitality

Low-code app development does come with a few challenges.

While low-code offers numerous benefits, there are situations where it may not be the best fit. Here are some common challenges:

Insufficient Skills of Citizen Developers

- Complex projects may require professional developers and QA engineers. Building an enterprise-wide travel software solution often demands programming language proficiency and data science knowledge.

Lack of Custom Options

- No-code development, in particular, may not offer the flexibility needed for custom features. Even low-code platforms may have limitations that necessitate traditional coding for specific functionalities.

Scalability Limitations

- Non-technical users and low-code tools may not deliver the same level of performance as solutions designed by experienced software engineers. Additionally, not all low-code platforms can handle the peak loads of enterprise-scale businesses.

Security Concerns

- Without professional oversight, security can be a significant concern. Implementing data governance and security audits will likely require external IT expertise.

3 Low-Code Use Cases in Hospitality & Travel

Here are three examples highlighting the advantages of low-code while mitigating its challenges:

Developing a Low-Code Solution for a Travel Agency

Travel operators can leverage the power of low-code for their apps.

- Travel operators need flexibility to stay competitive. Low-code platforms enable the quick creation of feature-rich solutions. Functions can include travel product management, package building, pricing from third-party vendors, real-time website updates, and more.

Creating a Mobile Hotel App

Building a low-code hotel app can be easy and fun.

- Hotels can benefit from mobile apps to attract additional revenue. Low-code platforms offer ready-made components for room availability, booking, price formation, and reporting. This allows small and mid-sized hotel chains to quickly launch mobile apps.

Building an Internal Service Portal for an Airport

An airport service portal can be created with low-code components.

- Airports face increased pressure for contactless services, biometric data use, and COVID-19 testing. Low-code platforms can expedite modernization and provide staff with access to core services like baggage tracking, security checks, and flight dispatch operations.

Develop a Low-Code App with Levisoft

The hospitality and travel sectors faced significant losses due to COVID-19 but are now rebounding. Low-code travel app development can provide the agility to adapt quickly.

Whether you need a niche tool or a comprehensive ecosystem, Levisoft is here to help. Our experts can consult on platform choices or assist in implementing low-code solutions tailored to your needs. We can combine low-code/no-code options with classic development methods to create the best solution for your business.

Get in touch with us, and let our extensive low-code expertise work for you.

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