Should Startups Outsource Software Development?

Levisoft Insights

Aug 19, 2024

Software development for startups and small businesses

Key Takeaways

  • 92% of small and large businesses globally outsource operations, saving costs without sacrificing quality
  • The main focus of software development for startups is creating scalable, innovative, and competitive software that aligns with the startup’s objectives and market needs.
  • Outsourcing is the cost-effective choice for startup software development, but partnering with a trustworthy, experienced company is crucial.
  • Over 42% of startups fail primarily due to building a solution for a minor or non-existent problem.

Software development for startups is inherently risky. Over 90% of emerging businesses fail, and only a small fraction achieve a profitable exit. But don’t let that discourage you! Take it as a challenge. This guide will show you how to improve your chances of launching your business successfully.

market projections of software development services for startups

We’ll discuss what makes the software development process unique for early-stage businesses. Then, you’ll learn how to avoid common challenges, validate your business idea, and improve time-to-market while reducing development costs.

Still contemplating whether to hire a software development company for your startup project? We’ll cover the advantages of outsourcing development for startups and guide you on how to find the optimal vendor. Ready?

How Startup Software Development Differs

Custom software development for startups

Startups seek to validate their ideas, capture an audience, and create a profitable revenue model. Their goals often shape their IT infrastructure, management, and software development processes.

Let’s go through the main differences in software development for startups versus established companies.

Innovation Focus:

Enterprises often struggle with legacy infrastructures and must refactor systems to adopt new technologies. In contrast, startups can choose modern architectures that integrate with the latest technologies, such as AI-powered analytics and machine learning.


Unlike larger companies with on-premises infrastructure, most startups opt for cloud-based infrastructures like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure, which automatically adjust resources based on operational needs. In fact, 62% of companies prefer cloud platforms for operational scalability.

Flexible Development:

Decision-making and change management are faster in startups due to fewer stakeholders. Smaller teams are more likely to use flexible methodologies focusing on teamwork, automation, and iterative development.


Nearly 19% of startups fail because they miss their window of opportunity. A limited time to capture market fit means other companies could capitalize on your idea and build their product faster.

Smaller Scope:

Startup and enterprise software typically target different audiences. Startups often aim to solve specific problems and fill niche market gaps, while enterprises have broader focuses and often target other companies, leading to software with more features.

Research Dependence:

Startups need to identify their audience, determine a significant problem, devise a solution, and build a business model. Research and market study are critical parts of the software development process, as startups have fewer resources to experiment and promote their solutions.

Challenges in Custom Software Development for Startups

startup software development challenges and statistics

Here are some limitations and problems you should be prepared for during the software development lifecycle.

Unrealistic Estimation:

Projects often exceed budgets and timelines due to underestimating technological complexities and scope changes. Ensure resources to support your startup post-launch with a long-term plan, post-release goals, milestones, and an allocated budget.

Tunnel Vision:

About 14% of startups fail due to excessive focus on initial research and ignoring customer feedback. Be prepared to pivot based on audience reactions to your product, features, and business model.

Security Focus:

According to LogicMonitor’s Cloud Vision 2020 study, security (66%), compliance (60%), and data privacy (57%) are major challenges. A single major data leak or data privacy law infringement can devastate your startup.

Wrong Methodology:

Without effective software development practices and tools, development can go off track. Your team should be familiar with iterative methodologies to maximize productivity, establish quality assurance, and control expenses.

Lack of Expertise:

Finding competent full-time engineers with relevant expertise is challenging for emerging businesses. You also need experienced project managers to plan, track, and schedule development. Augment your in-house team with third-party talent or outsource parts of your project as needed.

Preparing for Startup Software Development: 7 Steps

Preparation is critical for testing your business idea with limited resources and time. Follow these steps to minimize risks.

Step 1: Identify the Target Audience

Building a solution for a minor or nonexistent problem is the worst mistake you can make. Over 42% of startups fail for this reason. Create a detailed profile of your target audience before launching your startup, including:

- Ideal customer: person, organization, or both?

- Customer location

- Devices used

- Customer problems and desires

- Existing solutions and their shortcomings

- Problem frequency

Focus on one essential pain point and evaluate its significance by questioning people matching your customer profile and researching potential competitors.

Step 2: Study the Market

Analyze how other companies attempted to solve your audience’s problem. Review their software, development process, and revenue model. Look through review platforms and social networks to see what their audience thinks is lacking. Learn from successful and unsuccessful startups in the same niche.

Attend technology startup forums, hackathons, and meetups to discover success stories, failures, and accomplishments. Understand industry regulations, such as HIPAA, GDPR, and PCI DSS, to avoid fines and ensure compliance.

Step 3: Document Requirements

Define the statement of work (SOW), decide on the technical stack, and document all specifications. If outsourcing, work on these questions with your software development services provider. Document:

- Programming languages, frameworks, APIs, and middleware

- UI/UX design specifications, application logic, and key features

- Architecture type (monolith, microservices, containerized, or hybrid) and tenancy isolation

- Authentication, authorization, data breach prevention, encryption, and access control tools

- Risk mitigation strategies and backup solutions

Include non-functional requirements like scalability, daily load, latency, and other key performance indicators. Leverage open-source toolkits and low-code platforms to speed up development.

Step 4: Build a Roadmap

Lay out the software development lifecycle into steps with goals, progress metrics, deadlines, and success criteria. Create separate roadmaps for stakeholders, developers, marketers, and IT operations teams. Build an external map for customers to motivate them to wait for new features.

Calculate one-time purchases for each development stage and determine recurring costs for cloud hosting, subscriptions, fees, taxes, and other services.

Step 5: Design a Business Model

Identify the suitable payment model and pricing for your product based on market research. Ensure your strategy can scale as your business expands. Consider subscription-based models, in-app ads, and tiered pricing based on features, concurrent users, or consumption metrics.

Step 6: Validate Your Idea with an MVP

Validate your business idea with a minimum viable product (MVP) — a simplified version of your product with core functionality. MVP software development lets you introduce your product faster and with less investment, validating demand, gathering user feedback, and attracting investors.

Avoid overstuffing your MVP with needless functionality. Focus on features that solve the core problem and consider using third-party integrations.

Step 7: Establish a Feedback Loop

Promote your startup before launching an MVP or prototype. Showcase it to the audience and influencers. In niche industries, back up your solution with peer reviews, scientific research, and consumer metrics.

Create online forums, build social media communities, and incentivize users to participate in surveys to capture customer feedback and keep them invested.

Benefits of Outsourcing Software Development Services

Outsourcing development for startups

Still wondering whether to hire an outside company or rely on your team? Here are the benefits of outsourcing your project to a reputable company.

Global Talent Pool:

Outsourcing helps you access experienced engineers, designers, testers, and project managers beyond your local talent pool.

Scalable Team:

Outsourcing companies can adjust team size based on project needs, eliminating overpayment and the need to hire or fire employees.

Easier Management:

Vendors manage the project schedule and budget after approval. A project manager oversees the development lifecycle and serves as your main point of contact. Access advanced tracking tools to monitor progress and communicate with developers.

Security Focus:

Experienced providers integrate the latest security, data privacy, and risk mitigation techniques. Some companies offer DevSecOps practices like automated testing, compliance checks, and security scans.

Efficient Practices:

Outsourcing companies use iterative methodologies like Agile, improving time-to-market, software quality, and team productivity. DevOps mastery ensures faster code releases with lower failure rates.

Cost Savings:

Efficient development practices, advanced technical stacks, team scalability, and effective management help you stick to your budget. Outsourcing eliminates onboarding and training costs.

What to Evaluate in a Software Development Company

Finding the right vendor is crucial. Consider the following criteria:

Software development services company and tips for choosing a startup development team

Outsourcing Location:

Choose a market with a large talent pool, reasonable rates, and exceptional programming skills.


Ensure business hours overlap to avoid communication gaps. Vendors with global branches offer better accessibility.

English Proficiency:

High English proficiency reduces communication problems.


Certifications like ISO 9001:2015 indicate consistent quality standards.

Track Record:

Check the vendor’s experience with similar projects and technologies. Review platforms like Clutch and inspect portfolios.

Payment Model:

Choose a pricing model that suits your startup, such as time and material, dedicated team, or Software Development as a Service (SaaS).


Following this guide can improve your chances of launching a successful startup. Outsourcing remains the most cost-effective way of custom software development for startups. Ensure you work with a trustworthy company with relevant experience.

Levisoft has delivered over 50 projects across various industries, including healthcare, fintech, HoReCa, and automotive. We offer consulting, turnkey, and subscription-based software development services covering all your technical needs. Contact us, and let’s discuss how we can help your business succeed.

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